Shenaz Treasurywala, while enjoying her successful stint as a ‘Travel Vlogger’, has now managed to make it big in the world of entertainment. Brown Nation, her comedy show, has been picked up by Netflix. The first ever all Indian show with an all Indian cast that is seeing an arrival in 190 countries where Netflix plays, Brown Nation is a comedy about an Indian family living in New York. Confirms Shenaz, “This show is like Everyone Loves Raymond, but with Indians.”


In the show, Shenaz plays a struggling actress named Dimple who leaves India and goes to America to be married to an Indian guy. While she had carried a dream to live in New York after marriage, she ends up living in the suburbs in New Jersey.

“That’s right,” says Shenaz, “I play a frustrated and jobless artist, who complains constantly about not having enough time to explore her creativity because of the demands of taking care of her home and her dog, Bobby. She came to America in hope of a better life but she misses India and hates her life in the U.S. She becomes homesick.”

The show premiers globally on November 15.