In the tech-savvy world today, if there's one person who has a true and interesting take on almost everything latest, it's hands down Rishi Kapoor. Since the day he made his debut on micro blogging site Twitter, he has been grabbing eyeballs for his quick witted remarks and hilarious take on anything that catches his eye. 


In fact, the actor confessed himself at Times Literature Festival, held in Mumbai last year, that he is often checked by wife Neetu for his tweets.

The latest victim to join the league of Chintu Kapoor's wit is none other but the fashion label Zara. The actor apparently went for shopping at the said high end fashion store and was appalled by the ripped jeans and shredded tops offered on display.

Taking to his Twitter account, the Kapoor & Sons actor tweeted:

Needless to say, his remark saw rave reactions from the Twitterati: