Rihanna's dad has admitted that he was thrown out of her Diamond Ball, which was held in aid of his daughter's Clara-Lionel Foundation charity, for drunkenness.Ronald Fenty explained that he had Johnny Walker Black and two doubles man and tripped over a chair, the Mirror reported.Fenty added that when he was on the red carpet for the pictures, he met a couple of famous people he knew and talked with them, and then somebody left a chair and he stepped back and fell over.Fenty continued that he saw his former wife Monica Braithwaite, Rihanna's mother, look up, and within a few minutes after the picture was taken, security came up and said they were taking him home.


He added that though he hadn't seen his daughter, he had to leave in order to not make a scene that would have reflected on the 26-year-old singer.Fenty, who is sad how it ended of course, added that he should have never taken that first drink or any drink for that matter and wished that he had seen her of course because she will probably hear how he was, which will make her angry.He added that he feels bad because he let her down because she spend all that money putting him in rehab and then find him drunk somewhere, which is not good.He concluded that he is sorry as it's he who f**ed up.