Marvel comics has published the final issue of ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ that features the death of Peter Parker. As part of their Marvel NOW! Initiative, the 700th issue concludes a story arc that began a hundred issues ago, when longtime spider-man enemy Doctor Octopus was given a terminal illness. Now, after 50 years, Parker is out of the hero game.


The now Doc Ock-inhabited Spider-Man’s new adventures will continue with the Superior Spider-Man in January 2013.

Dan Slott, who’s been writing Spider-Man adventures for the better part of the last 100 issues for Marvel Entertainment, said that the conclusion of the story is a new, dramatically different direction for the hero created by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee. Slott said that this was an epic turn in the story arc.

In the pages of issue 700, released on Wednesday, Parker’s mind is trapped in the withered, decaying dying body of his nemesis, Doctor Octopus aka Otto Octavius. And Doc Ock is inside Parker’s super-powered shell, learning what life is like for the brilliant researcher.

The two enemies clash mightily in the comicbook. But it’s Octavius who wins and Parker is dead, but not before one more act of heroism, the Age reported. Editor Stephen Wacker said that while Parker is gone, his life casts a long shadow. He said that the superhero’s life is still important to the book as it affects everything that Doctor Octopus does as Spider-Man.

Wacker called it a fitting end to the ‘Amazing Spider-Man,’ which sets stage for a new one – ‘The Superior Spider-Man’ early next year – as it brings Parker full circle, from the start of his crime-fighting career to the end.