She’s set to get the temperatures rising on the telly screen tonight on a reality show known for its controversial guests, and Hollywood hottie Pamela Anderson, who arrived last night, has already got into an ‘issue’ after her own heart.


She has penned a letter to the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh about the leather trade in India that she says fills her with “horror.”

What her letter statesAnderson, who narrated PETA’s (People’s Ethical Treatment Toward Animals) video exposing horrendous cruelty to cattle in the Indian leather trade ten years ago wants to urge people worldwide to reject all leather products.

In her letter to the PM she writes, “The reverence and love for animals felt by people in your beautiful country is deeply moving, yet one thing fills me and all compassionate people with horror: India’s leather trade. It still profits from the skins of animals who have been transported to and killed in slaughterhouses, including illegal ones, in unspeakably cruel ways. In 10 years, it seems nothing has changed. I love India and the reverence for animals held by most Indians. Will the government act at all to help these cattle?”

PETA’s India head Poorva Joshipura is enthused over the ex-Baywatch star’s visit. “It’s great to have her. Let’s face it — when Pamela speaks the world listens,” she says, adding, “she has fired off the letter to the PM as her primary interest is to save animals.”

Pam in a lettuce bikini?Having once worn an itsy-bitsy lettuce bikini,  Pam’s known to promote veganism every chance she gets, so will she do it on TV too? “We’ll have to wait and see for that, but her bags, belts and shoes will follow one trend for sure — vegan fashion,” says Joshipura.