A beautiful melody all set to touch the strings of your heart Jab Se Dekhais one of a kind music video and the video is directed by OkShravan a one of a kind music director you just cant miss to hear his work yet again come in collaboration with Adhyayan Suman and Giri G to create wonders with their project. A one of a kind music video Director which has always given the best of his best work in the film industry. OkShravan is one such name in the music video making industry which has delivered to promise the best and always have accomplished his goals.


His music video Jab Se Dekha is most loved by the fans and is ruling the music charts and how! A music video one cant dare to miss has crossed lakhs of views on YouTube making it one of the top rated songs today. This terrific trio surely managed to conquer the hearts with their vivacious melody and breathtaking visuals.

A romantic melody one just cant miss, Director OkShravan has got this on a platter for the audience to shower their love at maximum. Creating a world magic on screens for the viewers OkShravan has created wonders with his direction. So much that the fans along with film fraternity has lauded his work and how!

OkShravan is truly an inspiration for the people would like to persuade their career in this field.

While Jab se Dekha is being loved by all it consists Adhyayan Suman in lead, composed by Giri G, music video directed by OkShravan and written by Ronit Vinta.

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