There have been several turning points in my life but meeting my guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji numbers amongst the biggest of them.  When I did the Art of Living course in Mumbai in 1996, I really didn't know what to expect. But later I travelled to Rishikesh for the advanced course and it was there that we met.Over the last 14 years my depth and perspective on life has expanded immeasurably thanks to this journey that I've undertaken with Him. It gave me the answers to the questions I was seeking then and has continued to do so. It's brought about an indescribable change in my life, a feeling of depth and deep calmness.  To give you an example I've just returned from the Art of Living ashram where I went through two weeks of learning something in Sanskrit, the process of doing which has taken my life state higher. With this comes a deep sense of assurance and knowing.It's not about renouncing life or giving up on the material world — instead it's about celebrating it, embracing it.  One doesn't forfeit the good things in life that bring one joy.  There's a lot of fun in life — and it's not about being serious all the time either. But it is about simplifying one's life to the level where one can be joyful, healthy and have gratitude for all  that one has been given. Gratitude is important. One has to look beyond oneself to see that while there may be people who are far better off, one has been given so much more than so many.  And to show that appreciation in one's life.Finally  I believe implicitly in the Law of Cause and Effect. That if you do good, it comes back to you and that if you do bad the effects will also come back to you — and that you'll hopefully learn from it.