Mandira Bedi tells you why change is important for growth and success.

In her seven year long career in television and cinema, more than success, Mandira Bedi always yearned for change.  “There is no denying the fact that I’ve always had opportunities and chances for growth, but I had to constantly work at sustaining them,” says Mandira.

“I believe at some point most of us have unrealistic expectations of who or what we want to become. The key is to accept that everyone has limitations. And respecting oneself will make you more happy than trying to execute impossible ideas,” she adds.

Making a shift isn’t easy but is not a daunting task either. “Life always threw new twists my way, but I knew I had to make the most of it. I’d reached stagnation in TV, but kept the positive spark in me alive. Then the World Cup happened and my life changed forever.”

Mandy’s Law…

Never let success completely sink in. Tell yourself that you are capable of much more.

Never be afraid of trying something different.

It’s ok to get big breaks, but take your career to a different level from there.

Seize every day, every opportunity.