Malaika Arora Khan has been staying silent despite strong rumours about her impending divorce with husband Arbaaz Khan flaoting around. On the other hand, Arbaaz has been hitting out at journalists for speculating about their marriage. Albeit in an indirect fashion. Dad Salim Khan too doesn't want to get involved in this mess but it's sister Amrita Arora Khan who's spoken up for the first time. 


Recently, when someone asked her about the recent rumours about Malla and Arbaaz parting ways, she only said one thing. "They are mature to take their own decisions," she told. We wonder if she almost confirmed the split. Why? Because had there been no trouble and had it been just mere conjectures, this reply isn't what one would give, right?

Arbaaz and Malaika recently also met for dinner with close friends and sources say that they still maintained some distance from each other at the party. Most of their mutual friends and family members, including Salman and Amrita are trying their best to get the two back together but Malaika seems to be adamant. Will the divorce finally happen? We aren't certain yet!