The crocodiles at Durban’s Phezulu Safari Park can make for interesting company for adventure lovers…

That South Africa abounds in its animal life is not exactly new. So when I got a chance to go visit the South African city of Durban, I knew I was in for a rendezvous with a safari park. But to be honest, the thought of going to a crocodile park didn’t really cross my mind. And so nothing prepared me for my visit to the Phezulu safari park in Durban.
Essentially a crocodile farm and a cultural village, the park also houses a fair share of snakes and turtles.

The snakes’ enclosures were made of wood and glass so we were warned that a mere tap on the glass would attract undue attention from the venomous snakes. The crocodiles, though, were another story; in fact, each of them was a story unto himself / herself. What’s more, they were all very interesting in their own way. 

So while Rameses and Cleopatra (yes, these are crocodiles) were known to be the best breeding pair (she is said to lay between 20 and 80 eggs every year at the beginning of summer) there was yet another couple who were known for being the oldest pair in the park. The caretaker at the park even noted how this female crocodile didn’t allow the male to go after the other females! It even explains why only this couple had the luxury of a separate (read private) enclosure as opposed to the others who had one common enclosure.

And if that’s not enough, the place was a haven of sorts for adventure lovers who could get quite a high at this park - for believe it or not, the park offers visitors a unique chance of having lunch with the crocodiles! There’s a bench and a table in the enclosure and visitors up for the challenge are supposed to have their lunch amidst the crocs. Of course, there’s a caretaker at hand to help in emergency situations. But the courage ought to be purely yours!

I’d love to say that I wanted to bite the bait (pun intended); but the truth is that I just couldn’t imagine myself having crocodiles for company. May be next time, I will have mustered enough courage to do so!