It really pains and worries me to see children begging on the streets. It’s scary to think of the trials they go through and what happens to them through the day.


No one knows what happens to them and how the survive. It’s quite sad that our country is such a terrible example of a democracy where we actually allow children to suffer the way they do.

As an individual, all I can do is give them the money they ask for because I know that if I don’t, they might face further abuse. But, I know that it is pointless to blame anyone about it. It is time we took action to help stop this exploitation.

Why can’t we pay a child tax, I often wonder, which can be used to educate these street kids and help improve their living conditions. There is no point in suffering from individual guilt, but we must take responsibility as a society to work towards eradicating this misery.

There is a need for an autonomous body, a special agency that can work towards this effectively. Monetary contributions to such an organisation should be tax free, which will encourage big investments.

Children are the future of this country and I really wish we can help kids from all spheres of the society live a life of dignity and work towards a bright and hopeful life ahead.