Hollywood actor Leonard Nimoy, well-known for playing 'Spock', half-human half vulcan first officer in the television series Star Trek,  passed away on Friday.


Nimoy, who was admitted to the hospital on February 19, after complains of chest pain, died of end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, at the age of 83 in Los Angeles.

He is survived by his wife Susan, two children, and six grandchidren.

On February 23, in his last tweet, Nimoy said, "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory." He signed off the tweet as 'LLAP' referring to his Star Trek catchphrase 'Live Long And Proseper '  

Nimoy had also directed films, wrote peotry and acted on Stage. In 1996, BBC2 had made a documentary about the musical careers of the cast of the original Star Trek. In the following video you can see Leonard Nimoy combine two cult fandoms of Star Trek and Lord Of The Rings.

His Spock, a 23rd century Vulcan science officer with pointy ears, became the voice of reason and all that's logical. Trekkies around the world greeted each other with his signature 'Vulcan Salute.' He even got mountains of mail adrresed as 'Mr Spock, Hollywood, California '

Many celebrities and people from all walks of life, expressed their condolences at his death on the micro-blogging site Twitter.

Zachary Quinto who played spock in the revival of the Star Trek franchise paid his tribute to the original Spock in a tweet

William Shatner said he will miss Nimoy's humor.

Other Trekkies also paid their tribute.