Kim Kardashian is known for her signature curves and ample assets, far from being termed as 'fat'. But, that's exactly what Kim is trying to say her friends are doing.


Kim took to Twitter to give a 'play by play' rundown of her raunchy girls trip to Mexico. The tweets consisted of girls going missing skinny dipping, sleeping on vomit covered beds, twerking, 10 minute blackouts and more twerking. However, the funniest of them all is a tweet where Kim says her friend is 'fat shaming' her. 

Kim posted a tweet where she wrote "@jenatkinhair spiked my Oreo shake to try to get me to not eat it because she's fat shaming me". She then followed it up later with the tweet "Oh and as for me you ask? ...I'm just sitting here on the beach with my flawless body" showing that she clearly doesn't have any qualms about her own figure. She then posted a video of her eating the Oreo shake by the spoonful, calling herself 'miss piggy', simultaneously flipping off Jen Atkin in the caption. 

All of these tweets came after pictures of the beach trip were leaked online and Kim was fat shamed for her figure in the pictures.

(All images courtesy of TMZ)

One would hardly think Kim Kardashian West, the woman who broke the internet by balancing a champagne glass on her derriere, would ever have to worry about being 'fat shamed'. This is also considering the same person garnered criticism a week ago for tweeting that she was grateful for the flu, because it helped her lose 6 pounds. Oh well, all in the life of the Kardashians.