Ryan Reynolds did not realise the cost of choosing to be Team Captain America until Robert Downey Jr pointed it out.


Chris Evans who plays Captain America in Marvel Cinematic Universe, recently watched the first superhero movie of the year 2016, Deadpool. No doubt he liked it, everybody liked it because it's Deadpool! Evans posted an all praising tweet on his Twitter account calling the movie 'AWESOME'.

Reynolds replied with the hashtag #TeamCap, made popular for the upcoming Captain America: Civil War.

In Captain America: Civil War, The Avengers are divided into two groups led by Steve Rogers aka Captain America played by Chris Evans and Tony Stark aka Iron Man played by Robert Downey Jr.

Always quick with the wit, RDJ replied to Reynolds' choice with Julius Cesar quote "Et tu D-pool?" He also made it clear that Cap will boot him (Deadpool) for 'cussing'.

Replying to this tweet, Reynolds once again reminded us that why Deadpool cannot be trusted so easily

Chris Evans too was not far behind in explaining his stance

It's all one big Marvel Superhero family a bit afraid of producer Kevin Feige!

So, there we go fans, pick a side, #TeamCap, #TeamIronMan or side with Deadpool, choose #TeamHelloKitty!