Be it in web series, movies, TV commercials or short films, Maanvi Gagroo has shattered stereotypes and how! Her character in Four More Shots Please! is proof of how she redefines Indian women on screen. Even with her social media posts, Maanvi is bang on and is lauded for it. On the occasion of International Women's Day, Maanvi shared her thoughts on if one day is necessary to celebrate womanhood, on women of this decade, the definition of feminism and more.



What does International Women's Day mean to you?

Unfortunately, we need a specific day dedicated to women in the first place. Barring that, I see it as a celebration of womanhood, of the resilience and perseverance shown by women in an unequal world. Although with every passing year, women's day has started feeling more and more like an advertiser's delight!

Do you think there should be a day like this to celebrate womanhood?

If it means that the rest of the days of the year, women should be okay with being treated as second-grade citizens, then, no. If this is a token celebration so to say, "Here, 8th March is your day. Do whatever you want but keep your mouth shut for the rest of the 364 days", then I'm more than willing to give this day up. Otherwise, in an equal world, I'd love to celebrate men, women and all non-binary.

How would you define the woman of this decade?

The women of this decade are clearer in what they want from life. They are less afraid of going after what they want. They're willing to challenge or bend a lot of the social constructs to suit their lifestyle of choice. However, I'm speaking from a privileged vantage point. So many women, especially from the marginalised sections of society (be it based on caste, religion or sexuality) aren't exposed to most of these opportunities. Even within the seemingly 'privileged' section, many women are either forced to or are conditioned to abide by patriarchal familial and social trappings. Things are getting better but there's still so much ground to cover.

Who are the women who changed and shaped your life? 

I've actually been fortunate to have been surrounded by very strong women in my life. Whether it was my mother, sister, grandmothers, they've all led their lives completely unapologetically. Even the men in my life, my father and grandfathers, have been feminists. I was always encouraged to question the status quo and continue to do so.

A female public personality who you look up to for inspiration?

So many! Actually, any woman who chooses to live life on her own terms is someone I look up to. A few names come to mind; Sushmita Sen, Anushka Sharma, Roxanne Gay, Jessica Chastain, etc. Also, everyday women constantly push boundaries that society levies on them. Women supporting their families, women trying to break into male-dominated industries... there's inspiration everywhere if you just look for it.

Do you think even in a free world, women have less freedom when it comes to social media since many are subjected to online hate for sharing certain kind of photos, posts in comparison to men who get a polar opposite reaction?

Of course! Although it's not really a 'free world' if that's happening... freedom doesn't just mean the capability or access to something but also the consequent systemic support. While on the internet women have the 'freedom' to post whatever they want, if a large part of the audience/consumer base is misogynistic, that's what the response will show. For centuries, women have been told how to conduct themselves, what to wear, what to say, how to sit, stand, so on and so forth. The internet is having a hard time adjusting to women's agency on their bodies. Even non-pictorial posts on the internet, if not in alignment with the views of the reader, will attract gendered sexual abuse. This is not the case with men, of course. But the internet is a mirror image of the real world. Add to that a faceless computer screen and an anonymous account, the internet becomes this pool of misogyny and bigotry.

How do you think women can empower other women?

To begin with, women need to stop judging other women. They need to stop competing with each other and instead focus on building themselves up rather than pulling the other one down. This is true for anyone but more so for women because socially we've been pitted against one another. We're taught we're all replaceable, interchangeable and not enough emphasis is placed on individual growth and uniqueness. There's a big change now though, I see women standing up for each other, checking even themselves every time they find themselves falling into one of these traps. And that's so heartening to see!

A lot of people confuse feminism with male-bashing. What do you have to say to them and how do you think this mindset can be changed?

You know honestly, I'm tired of explaining this to people. If they think feminism is wrong then so be it. If someone with internet access and with Google on their fingertip still chooses ignorance, it's not my problem. People need to educate themselves on feminism especially if they wanna hold onto such strong opinions about it. Personally, I know feminism is the fight for equality. Of equal social, political, economic, civil rights. Tomorrow, if men start to get treated harshly because of their gender. Also, I'm not here to change anybody's mindset. I'm here living my life and would love for everyone to be able to live theirs. No judgement, no interference. Peace!