Rapid fire
Ashok Salian
For his first solo photography exhibition, ‘Subliminal’
Is this your first solo?
Yeah. It took so long. As part of the Photographer’s Guild, Exhibit A (the six-year-old annual exhibition showcasing the art works of established and new photographers) has been the only avenue for photography exhibitions. However, Pravina and Jamaal Mecklai invited me to open their anniversary celebrations for their gallery Jamaat with my solo show. I’ve hardly had any time for myself, so a solo show had been the farthest thing from my mind. I think I should have done it a lot earlier.
What’s the exhibition about?
It’s called ‘Subliminal’. It’s my work gathered over 6 years including 5 series. There’s no fashion photography, although an extremely vibrant print might pass off as one. There are black and whites, a series of muted colours, a series on yoga and one on masks.
Besides it being a first, what’s the USP of the show for you?
Well…there’s the fact that these prints are on sale (laughs). But seriously, it’s important to exhibit even if it doesn’t sell. I’m at an art gallery which will automatically bring in a different set of people from those who usually see my work. It’s great to do work that hasn’t been dictated by anyone. In fact, a large part has been shot in this junkyard next to my studio. It’s a garage, I’ve done it up a bit – but it’s still a scrap heap!
Would you consider yourself a pioneer in establishing photography as art in Mumbai?
Well, I think the Guild and my work there can safely take that responsibility. I hope it has opened doors for the next generation. I can say this safely though – the next generation are a lot smarter and pushier than we ever were. Better work? I don’t know. But I envy their tenacity.
What’s next?
I’m working on a film. I did a 32-minute feature that was screened at the Kala Ghoda festival. I’m determined to make my life more complicated, so I’m going to make a feature film. It’s my calling and I believe in destiny and it’s time for me to answer that call.