Perhaps Abhishek Bachchan would be able to empathise with Jaycee Chan. With the load of expectations of millions of fans weighing down on his shoulders, the only son of Chinese acting legend Jackie Chan has just found some strong ground under his feet.

“This is my first interview with an Indian journalist. I just hope that the Indian audience accepts me the way they have accepted my dad,” says Jaycee over the phone from Beijing about his first film Invisible Target being released in India.

Already a star in Japan, China and Hong Kong, Jaycee says that he’s already received a few offers from Indian producers to star in their films. “I might be doing an Indian film soon. I was told that it involves a little bit of dancing. But when I went back and switched on MTV India, I found that there is a lot of dancing and 100 people do the same step at one time. Now, I am a little skeptical whether I will be able to do that the way you guys do it.”

But does he know martial arts as well as Jackie? “No, I am not formally trained in martial arts. I have learnt a little bit for my own defence. I am 26 years old and too old to learn martial arts now. I don’t intend to.”

So, is there an actor he wants to date on screen? “Ah! Thank god I am still single. Otherwise my girlfriend would have killed me. I liked Maaleeeka (Mallika Sherawat) a lot but I can’t really think of romancing her. You want to pair me up with somebody?”