Ask the girls, and most will agree that Ranvijay Singh is one of the hottest ‘single’ guys on TV. “It is not that I am linked with many women, I was linked up with just one and we are great friends now,” he says of reports that linked him to VJ Anusha Dandekar. “Now, I am very much single,” he declares adding, “But not mingling as there is no time to.”

About the attention female fans draw his way, he says, “I try not to take the attention seriously. I am just trying to work very hard. My mom gets rishtas everyday and she loves it.”

The very first winner of the popular show Roadies has already wrapped up one film and has recently signed on two more — Vipul Shah’s London Dreams with Salman Khan and Ajay Devgan and Action Replay. He says, “I am in these movies like the furniture in the background. But my role is bigger in Action Replay.”

The decision to get into movies was one that came naturally. A progression of sorts which he is trying to work towards while shooting for the TV shows that he continues to host. “There are no civilians in my family. They are all in the army so I don’t have a dukaan that I can go back and run to. I can’t join the army and I can’t be a video jockey all my life. Being in this profession, I have always rented homes, food is also an issue and then  there are bills to be taken care of. I am 26 and am already beginning to look old,” he jokes, but you see his conviction to make it big. 

Nevertheless Ranvijay is living his life to the fullest. Between shooting for TV, the big screen and holding the reins of a company that modifies bikes (interestingly he has always been interested in modifying cars and bikes and has just modified a car for an Ajay Devgan movie), he is left with little time to indulge in passions like football and basket ball, “But that’s ok,” he says.