Producer Raja Chaudhary cites lack of time and communication between him and wife Shweta Tiwari as the cause of the rancour

Close on the  heels of actor Shweta Tiwari filing an NC against her allegedly  abusive husband Raja Chaudhary, came the news of his having barged into Shweta’s relative’s house and creating a ruckus.

All’s well
A furious Raja reacts, “I had gone to meet Shweta but I was not drunk. Moreover, we are living together now. My two dogs and my mother-in-law also live with us. Sometimes, my brothers-in-law also stay here. Just the other day, I picked up my daughter Palak from her school; her grandmother was also there.”

No publicity this
Reportedly, Raja had told a section of the press that the entire fracas was a publicity stunt to promote their Bhojpuri film where Raja plays a negative character. Raja clarifies, “I’ve been misrepresented. Why would I want to show myself in abad light?”   
Fighting fit
So was there no fight at all between them? Raja replies, “I don’t deny that there was a fight. But it wasn’t as big as it was portrayed. Shweta and I often fight like this. We don’t talk for days together. Now, she has said that she will patch up with me if I take Palak to Disneyland (US). Our fights are superficial. It is the press that is creating the fight and giving me dialogues on their behalf. They are fictionalising my life.Why are they doing this? I am not Anurag Basu.”

Time out
Raja points out that the couple had been going through stress because they didn’t find enough time to communicate. “We are both so busy that we need to take a holiday to talk to each other. I’m also overburdened with my production work that sometimes I sleep in the office. Does that mean Shweta has thrown me out of the house? Shweta works hard and it’s with her money that I make films. If we weren’t on talking terms then how would I be making films with her money? Recently, we bought a new office for our production and Shweta was there.”

Recently, Raja had been quoted saying that Shweta had sent him a divorce notice. Raja fumes, “If there is a divorce notice, then why don’t you show it? As of now we are not getting divorced. I’ll divorce Shweta if she wants.”

So has he quit drinking? “I have given up since I suffered liver infection. I drink only for taste and not the kick of it,” Raja ends.