Marriage seems to suit actress Lara Dutta Bhupathi pretty well and has proven to be lucky. The actor, who turned producer recently, had a good run with the critics with her first film that released last weekend.


While she cannot contain her excitement on turning producer, the first thought that comes to her mind is husband, tennis star Mahesh Bhupathi. “It was difficult donning the producer’s hat, but immensely gratifying when you see the final product. Mahesh has always understood that my job entails me to stay on the  sets for a long time and is supportive of me,” gushes wifey Dutta.

The actress, who turned a year older on April 16, was working throughout the day on her birthday, promoting her film. Amidst this, she managed to squeeze in time for a quick dinner with her extended family.

“This year, my family has grown and become bigger,” she beams. Ask her if hubby dearest had a surprise gift in store and she says, “After marriage, Mahesh has been on a gifting spree. He is always showering me with gifts so this time I decided to not pressurise him for a birthday gift,” she guffaws. 

Is it difficult to manage two worlds together? “We both know how important our careers are... If he is playing a tournament, I try to travel with him to catch a match or he surprises me by landing up on my long, outdoor schedules.”

Most heroines often delay getting married, but Dutta is unperturbed. “Getting married to Mahesh has been the best decision of my life. I like being married and would not have it any other way. Not much has changed in life since I have been living alone and running a house, but marriage makes you a lot more secure. It is good to be back home to someone you love. Besides it’s time we realised that being a married actor is not a curse, it’s a blessing in disguise!”