Pregnant model Miranda Kerr has told how the death of her first love gave her life a mission."My family - parents, John and Therese, and brother, Matthew, now 25 - have always have been supportive of what I do. At 12, I dreamed of being a marine biologist or a naturopath but I discovered the real strength of affirmations and reflection after my first boyfriend, Chris, died when I was 16," the Sydney Morning Herald quoted her as saying. "I was devastated by the loss and couldn't talk about it with anyone. In the process of grieving I learnt more about myself and discovered how important it is to be the master of my thoughts."Mum knew I loved to write and recognised I was passionate about helping young women, so suggested I write a book. The young girls who write to me on Facebook and speak to me at events are my inspiration. I wrote the book because I am hoping some of my life experiences are of help to them," she added.