In an age when time translates into work and more work, there may not be enough time to head out to an exercise class or go for a run. Here is for that clan of people for whom the work desk is where it’s all at. Experts reveal how you can do a few stretches and work off that stress.  Dr. VL Shyam, senior VP, operations, Birla Kerala Vaidyashala, shows you how to incorporate a little yoga-losophy into your schedule with these exercises… Common health problems of office workers Tension build-ups: In air conditioned places or closed indoors, not enough oxygen gets pumped into the bloodstream. Also, in such an office atmosphere, several emotions are released and more often have to be controlled. This control adds up to emotional stress and eventually a tension buildup. Even natural movements get restricted in such office atmospheres and movements, which the body parts are not used to are forced to perform continuously. Tension resulting from the above has its effect (without us knowing) on various parts of our body.  Repetitive strain injury (RSI): Otherwise called, occupational overuse syndrome is a growing problem among workers, as the office jobs involve small, repetitive movements all the day. RSI in the wrist, often results from holding the arm still and moving the mouse using the wrist. There is no perfect working position, the human body is designed to move, not to sit still. It’s thus important to make sure that we constantly use different parts of the body. This build-up of tension can be reduced by a few simple tension-relieving stretches.Shoulder circling: Sit on an armless chair or stool letting the hands hang loosely at your sides. Slowly move your shoulder forward in circular manner and repeat the same in a slow backward circular motion. Let your arms be free and easy.Shoulder lift & squeeze: Sit with straight back with arms hanging loosely at the sides. While inhaling slowly draw your shoulders upwards towards your ear. Exhale and squeeze the shoulder blades and lower the shoulders. Shoulder blade squeeze: Clasp your hands behind you at normal sitting posture with the back straight. Inhale and draw straightened elbows towards each other squeezing your shoulder blades together.Neck-stretching: Neck muscles hold up the heaviest part of the body the head right through the day from the time we wake up till we go to sleep. Head turning in different directions; up, down, left, right, diagonal are best stretching for neck.Upper back stretching: Sit and interlace your fingers in front of you with your palms facing your knees. As you inhale push the palms away from you to above your head so that your palms are now facing the ceiling. While exhaling lower your arms to the start position.  Chest expansion: Raise your arms slowly sideways to shoulder levels. Exhale when forming fists with your hands and push your arms backward so as to create a light squeezing of the shoulder blade and shoulder muscle. Now, exhale as you bring your arms back to start position.