Arty hearty: As an art dealer, Farah Siddique leaves little to doubt about her love for art. There’s even an appointed canvas that her fiancé uses when they fight, “because it just calms me down!” she laughs. “One of my collectors has a Husain of horses galloping across in her drawing room and I just can’t sit in that room – it’s so energetic.”
Young upstart: At 24, she’s curated three shows, including a group show with women artists like Anjolie Ela Menon, another with Bangladeshi artists and an Arzan Khambatta show on the beach. Her interest started with her mother who would write on art in Delhi. “In my own small way, I want to eventually start promoting younger upcoming artists, like people straight out of college,” says Farah. “I will be traveling a lot now, just to source new talent.”
Birla bonding: Farah is an independent dealer but she also represents one of the oldest art galleries in India, Dhoomimal in Delhi.

“I’ve studied with Vasundhara Broota in Delhi. While I was in college (the Delhi girl studied in Sydenham College in Mumbai), I wrote for the wedding magazine ‘Marwar’ and then somehow got involved in working at Yantra with Yash and Avanti Birla. I even helped them set up their store in Delhi,” she explains.

Lucky lot: It’s not a silver spoon she was born with, but the way she stumbled upon her first job is just incredulous. “I was working out at my gym when someone from Marwar came up to me and said I was so bubbly and energetic that they would love to have me in their team,” she giggles, adding that she even met her fiancé at the same gym.
Future present: “People are just interested in the investment and not so much in the art. Four businessmen pool money and buy and sell art. Some of my collectors come in and ask me what is so special about a Souza.

‘It looks like something my 5-year-old can do,’ they claim. That is a little funny but it’ll fade out in time. People research online and there is much more documentation than ever on Indian art,” she says, adding, “in future I might not be a dealer always and I’m planning to do an auctioneering course soon.” Right now though, her upcoming nuptials are keeping her busy.