Want to watch the latest season of Game of Thrones before anyone else? You will have to be the showrunners or President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.


On the red carpet for the season 6 premiere of Game of Thrones, showrunners David Benioff and DB Weiss told Entertainment Weekly, that Barack Obama is a fan of the show and has requested to get advanced copies of the episodes.

When they were asked about their 'ah-ha' moment of making the show so far, Weiss replied, "I think, for both of us, finding out the President wanted advanced copies of the episodes was an ‘ah-ha’ moment. That was a very strange moment."

So what did they say to the request?

"Yes, He is the leader of the free world," said Weiss. “When the commander-in-chief says, ‘I want to see advanced episodes,’ what are you gonna do?” added Benioff.

HBO has not sent any screeners to journalists and industry insiders in order to keep the show under wraps and avoid the leak on piracy websites as it happened to them with season 5.

It is also because the show is taking a different route than the books of author George RR Martin for the first time.

If the request is granted, Obama will be the only person outside HBO to do so.