We all know that George RR Martin is one of pop-culture's most notorious serial killers since Joss Whedon. In his most notable work, the epic fantasy series 'Game Of Thrones', there are uncountable deaths that stretch across the the three seasons that have already aired. Your favourite characters have died, and your new favourites might die in the upcoming season. With 'Game Of Thrones', there's just no telling who lives and dies. Season 4 is set to premiere world wide on April 6, 2014, while the Indian premiere is slated for April 13, 2014.


HBO teamed up with studio agency 360i and artist Robert M Ball and created some brilliant illustrative art to highlight the deaths that occur in each season in highly unique way. It's no denying that the deaths in the show, shock fans into realising that no one is safe, but maybe after you see this, you will at least realise that their deaths were not in vain.

Here are some of the posters but to check out the entire series, visit HBO's website. Each image represents an important death in one episode of each season. There are 30 images, one for each of the 30 released episodes, and they were released one by one each day, and will continue to be release until the show airs its 4th season. 'Game Of Thrones' fans should pay close attention to the images, as each image contains a reference to the episode it's from as well as other hidden Easter Eggs just for fans of the franchise.

Additionally if you click on the tab of each Image, you get more artwork by a number of arists, all related to that episode. 

All images and inputs beautifuldeath.com

Also Read - All you need to know before 'Game Of Thrones' Season 4