Having shed nearly  40 kilos, contestant Robin Soloman does not lament being voted out of the show ‘Biggest Loser Jeetega’

The oldest and heaviest contestant of them all is out. Robin Soloman (41), who was often heard saying that money is the third priority in life after God and himself, is evicted from the show ‘Biggest Loser Jeetega’ (Sahara One).

Like the previous contestants, he says that he’s been voted out because he didn’t play games. “I have seen how people change to survive in the game. I can’t blame them for their decisions. I can’t be like them. I came with a goal—to lose weight. I’ve left the house to focus on this goal without the tension of eviction.”

Being spiritually inclined, he says, “Initially, I felt awkward hearing all of them using foul language but gradually realised that I had to adjust. I bear no hard feelings because I’m a free bird now. I was 195.9 kilos and have lost 35.9 kilos so far. Now, I hope to reach my target weight of losing 95 kilos more by December without worrying about any game.”

Soloman alleges that two groups within the Blue Team were working against one another. He says that Neeraj (Paul) and Dr Rizwan (Ahmed Querishi) had got together to vote out participant Natasha Grover and adds, “When Ajay (Nagrath) and Natasha heard of this, they came to me and asked them to join them. They promised me many things and we averted Natasha’s eviction last week. This week, they let me down by voting me out.”

For one who couldn’t walk on the treadmill for five minutes, he says, “I can walk on it for nearly two hours now. I’m a non-vegetarian. I’ve learnt to make good low fat meals from our expert chef Varun (Shivdasani). All in all, he concludes that ‘it’s been far from being a losing proposition’.