Ranbir Kaleka likes to be playful in his art works. The artist, who has displayed his works abroad, will be presenting his first multimedia show in India today. In what is his first solo exhibition in Mumbai, Ranbir’s show is titled Sweet Unease. “I chose to call the show by the same name since all the artworks well fit into it,” he says.


Explaining one of his works, Ranbir says, “The  title piece has a wall in the middle separating two people who are eating. There is a difference between the two. As the projections begin, you can see that one looks calmer in temper than the other. Their genders change with the effect, and so do their characteristics. New media employs a language,” he adds, explaining that the moment a video image overlaps the painting, and the sound effect comes into the picture, it becomes more than just a painting.

“They influence each other and form a new third medium altogether, giving us a totally new experience.”

Born in 1953 in Patiala, Ranbir schooled at the Punjab University, Chandigarh. He then went to the Royal College of Art in London.

His earlier works include Cul-de-sac in Taxila (the new, stand-alone avatar of the chapter titled Man with Hammer from Crossings, a 2005 installation that mobilised a four-channel projection with corresponding acrylic paintings), Fables from the House of Ibaan (2007) and He Was a Good Man (2008).

He says, “The idea comes together with the image to me. One doesn’t follow the other”.