When musicians tour, there are several demands (in the form of tour riders) they put forward, even before stepping on stage. Rock stars are known to be the most intriguing and over the years, routinely make headlines for the items they ‘require’ to be made available to them. But when it comes to the most outrageous and bizarre riders, nothing compares to DJs, at least if you go by the list that follows.


But before you read on, understand, most of these guys are good-humoured and have a talent for sarcasm. The most they will demand — as was seen in the recent Jack Ãœ leak — was an overwhelming number of bottles of premium alcohol, sparkling water, towels of a certain colour, etc. Only very few insist on all the things in their tour riders. Some put it in there for the same reason as some rock bands do — to ensure promoters read their demands carefully — especially the technical aspects. But go through this list and you will feel that DJs inhabit a parallel universe where literally anything is up for grabs, or so it seems...


His demands for a December 30, 2012 show at Manhattan’s Pier 94 made it to The New York Post’s Page Six Column. And no, we’re not making this up...

2 inflatable animals (Bonus points for endangered or extinct species)4 blank Maxell cassettes (New packaging)1 Gorilla (Silverback is preferred, an orangutan is also acceptable)1 Malawian orphan1 Arranged Marriage1 original Nintendo in the box (with receipt from Kiddy City)2 matches and lighter fluid1 bonfire pit2 logs to sit onThe third season of Lost (on VHS tapes)1 parrot that is trained to say your name1 dart board (with Nicolas Cage’s face on it)


Arguably one of the most absurd of the lot, Dillon’s rider is too outrageus to take seriously. The man has a reputation for being a troll, so one has to give it to him for his sense of humour...

1 bag of rice, preferably jasmine (he hates basmati rice)1 framed photo of any action star from the years 1985-20051 package turkey jerky1 blow-up doll with lube1 pinata filled with candy2 disposable cameras (VERY IMPORTANT)1 replica of the whip in Indiana JonesBlack tar heroin1 fun1 Amish-made electric fireplace3 Different VHS porn tapes, assorted genres1 signed photo of AviciiThe promoter’s girlfriend’s phone number


On his F**k Me I’m Famous tour in 2012, his Roseland Ballroom rider leaked. Here’s a taster of what it contained...

Big chandelierBig heart (2 meters)Cage for dancersFoam for teddy bearFoam HandsFoam StarsFoamcore printsFurnitureGiant Teddy bearGlitter MachinesIbiza girlsKryoman show robotsLollipops


Of all the things on his tour rider, the following are the ones that struck us as the most bizarre...

Inflatable Boat or Dingie, suitable for 2-3 people2 medium sized cakes that read DIM MAK (soft icing, soft cake, nothing dense)1 Director’s chair in view of DJ area on stage1/8 oz of local grass


When pointed out that one of his old tour riders had resurfaced, the notorious Joel Zimmerman, wrote back on Twitter, “That’s an old one. Classic. I don’t even have one anymore...”

Yeah, right! This is the only one that was the most hilarious of the lot, especially the specifics...

1 large inflatable animal, inflated and at least 5 feet tall