Noted actor Kabir Bedi feels that the success of Ang Lee's Life of Pi indicates that India as a theme is finding resonance in with foreign filmmakers.


"It is such an amazing thing that they make film about India without having any big star in it. The message given through the film becomes universal," Bedi said at the sidelines of a discussion Chai and Chat at the ongoing International Film Festival of India (IFFI) 2012.

Life of Pi was the inaugural film at the festival and hit full occupancy during the first show leading to a repeat show today at Kala Academy auditorium.

"India is now been seen with a new respect. It is no more an underdeveloped country. Indian theme is being tried by the filmmakers abroad which is why we have a movie like Life of Pi," he said.

Bedi, whose career spans across three continents, said that Brand India is growing as the country is becoming a world power.

"We are unique country. We have wonderful stories to tell. The trick is to make it universal like what Ang Lee did. Indian filmmakers are capable of doing that too," he added.

He said that the trend was started by filmmakers like Satyajit Ray and it has been taken forward by filmmakers across the globe.

"Its like a mind that you go into and pull motherload of stories," the actor, who has been associated with several projects abroad, said.