Director: Peter Jackson


Cast: Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Lee Pace, Luke Evans, Orlando Bloom, Evangeline Lilly, Christopher Lee, Hugo Weaving, Benedict Cumberbatch

Rating: ****

What it's about: The final chapter in the epic The Hobbit trilogy, this film starts with the death of Smaug (Cumberbatch) at the hand of of Bard (Evans) of Laketown. The city is burnt to the ground but the surviving townsfolk make it out and head to Dale to seek refuge and a settlement from the Dwarves led by Thorin (Armitage), who now hold Erobor. Thorin is in no mood too share his spoils with his allies. As five armies converge and side off, it becomes clear only one side will prevail. Will good triumph over evil?

What's hot: Despite not being on the scale that The Lord of the Rings trilogy was mounted on, The Hobbit trilogy holds its own superbly. It needs to be watched to realise how prequels should be made. You feel every emotion - a lump in the throat when someone grieves, a teary eye when a character you love dies. Peter Jackson and the brilliant cast and technical team he has put together never let you have a dull moment.

What's not: One needs to remember that The Hobbit itself was a slim volume, not a trilogy. The length of the film doesn't seem as bad, but a little tighter editing wouldn't hurt.

What to do: Whatever you do, don't miss this film. And before you do, fish out the DVDs of the first two Hobbit films and watch them back-to-back. It's a treat for the senses.