Film: Krantiveer: The Revolution Director: Mehul KumarCast: Jahan Bloch, Samir Aftab, Farida Jalal, RanjeetRating: **This sequel to the hit film Krantiveer has a cast comprising of new-comers. Jahan Bloch, Mehul Kumar’s daughter, essays the role of Roshni the progeny of Pratap (Nana) and Megha (Dimple). Jahan is strident and yells her heart out at every injustice that is shown. So you see her trashing an eve-teaser on a bus, egging on a harassed wife, playing out a sting on a creepy industrialist, taking on a bus conductor who refuses to give change and finally taking on the villains responsible for the deaths of ACP Rathore and her parents. Roshni is proactive, an activist to the core who believes in taking action rather than waiting for the law to take its course. There is nothing wrong with that, but Jahan appears to be on a continuous shrill rant that is high on decibels and awfully low on talent. Her verbal vigilantism is hard on the ears. The tone is strident, the issues appear to be fuelled by zeal other than that of idealism and the performances lack the nuances of craft.