Criminals despise him but the police respect him. He is 27 years old, likes to smoke cigarettes and chew betel leaves. His adventures have thrilled the imaginations of everybody, from children to old people.

The good news is that Satyajit Ray’s super-intelligent detective Feluda (real name Pradosh Chandra Mitter) will be soon coming to cinemas in an animation flick with all his friends and foes.

A Hyderabad-based animation company has acquired the rights to make 15 of Feluda stories into animation. The first film is expected to hit theatres by the end of this year. After Hrs asked a few Feluda fans if they think this is a good idea…

Bappi Lahiri, singer
Feluda is like the James Bond Satyajit Ray created for India. A great work like Feluda deserves the right portrayal. I would definitely love to watch the movie but the outcome of the movie totally depends on the creativity behind the animation and the people who are making it.

Shahana Goswami, actor
Yes, I’d love to...The best thing about Feluda is his unglamorous look and genuine persona with a brilliant brain. 

Sarnath Banerjee, graphic novelist
I am really scared to watch Feluda in animation. I have read Feluda in my childhood days and I already have some fond images formed in my head of the local details, the colours and the smells. The problem in India is that despite the quality of animation being very high class, the thought behind it can be very poor. So I am skeptical if it will match up with the images the book has created.

Sumanto Chattopadhyay, adman
Many people in our country have not even seen the movies made by Satyajit Ray, forget reading about his novels. If made into animation it will have huge potential in reaching a wider target audience. If made well it could become a cult film.