Erik Bauersfeld, who memorably voiced the Rebellion's Admiral Ackbar in Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Force Awakens, has died. He was 93.


The voice actor and radio drama producer passed away on Sunday morning at his home in Berkeley, California, his manager Derek Maki, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

In the 1983 space opera, Bauersfeld voiced Ackbar delivering the iconic line, "It's a trap!" when the fate of the alliance looks grim during the Death Star fleet attack. He also voiced Jabba the Hutt's staffer Bib Fortuna in the same film. He returned to voice Ackbar in last year's JJ Abrams-directed blockbuster Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Bauersfeld's other roles include voice work in last year's Guillermo Del Toro film Crimson Peak and Steven Spielberg's 2001 film AI Artificial Intelligence. He is also credited with voiceover work for the Ackbar character in Star Wars: X-Wing, a 1993 flight simulator video game. 

Watch an interview of Erik Bauersfeld: