Los Angeles: Actress Emma Stone says it's important for people to make their own decisions in life, adding this isn't something she always finds easy.The "Amazing Spider-Man 2" actress who is dating actor and co-star Andrew Garfield said that she struggles to find direction in life, reports contactmusic.com."I absolutely think that people should follow their own path. And that's probably something, oddly, I have gone back to over the past couple of years and I think that's the thing I have struggled with more recently than ever," said Stone.The 25-year-old beauty believes it is important to make a good impression in public as she knows she is regarded as a role model by some of the youths."Being a role model is in no way at all a burden. But that is something I have been more conscious of lately, probably because I haven't had to do interviews for a long time now," said."It's so important to be clear on your feelings about things and what you are gonig to say publicly, because I think that young women and people are incredibly important and they need to have people in the public sphere they can look up to."I am not saying I am one of them, but I do attach a big sense of importance to that. That's one of many reasons why I wish I were more eloquent," she added.