Diana Penty, who played the protagonist in the family entertainer, Happy Bhag Jayegi which released last year, will be seen playing an NGO worker in her forthcoming film, Lucknow Central. The movie produced by Nikhil Advani,marks the directorial debut of Ranjit Tiwari, and will see Diana share screen space with Farhan Akhar for the first time.


On why Diana was the right choice for the role, producer Nikhil Advani says, “Diana is a talented and versatile actress and is known for her interesting choice of roles and films. She brings with her an element of quiet strength that lends itself well to the character we want her to portray." 

Diana adds, "I've always wanted to be part of stories that I feel strongly about and Lucknow Central is one such story. I instantly took to it when Nikhil Advani told me about it. Playing a character that holds her own in a film that has some of the finest actors from our industry, makes it even more special for me."

Lucknow Central follows the story of a few jail inmates who rekindle their love for music and form a band in prison with the help of an NGO worker, played by Diana.