The five winning designers at the Idea Zee F Awards express their surprise and delight 

Manish Arora
Womenswear designer of the year (prêt): “It was really nice to win the award...and it was quite special. It was voted for by the people from the industry and that was good for me!”

Rahul Khanna
Menswear designer of the year (prêt): “The award came as a total surprise! It was a tough category with competition from Rohit Bal and Rajesh Pratap. We’ve been associated with prêt for a long time now, but the award was definitely a very good surprise.”

Tarun Tahiliani
Womenswear designer of the year (couture)/ Outstanding contribution to fashion award: “It’s always wonderful to be acknowledged and being voted as the best women’s wear couture designer. There are many who work with me who must share in this tribute and of course, all the divas I learn from. I was also honoured to be presented with the outstanding contribution to fashion award. I have loved promoting this industry, seeing the progress, relishing the energy and I believe that the best is yet to come.”

Rohit Bal
Menswear designer of the year (couture): “I’ve won for the second time.  I’m actually feeling pretty good because it was the fashion fraternity who voted and apparently I won by a large margin. As I’m on the board, I can tell you that the process is very transparent and very democratic. The only drawback to the awards I felt was that they were more film-cantered than fashion focussed.”

Manish Malhotra
Costume designer of the year/ Hall of fame award: “I knew I was getting the hall of fame award as they got in touch with me a few days ago to ask for audio visuals, but I didn’t have any. But the costume design award was a very pleasant surprise because I haven’t done too many films. I think it’s great that fashion is finally being recognised in Bollywood.”