It was a clash between Aamir Khan's Delhi Belly and Amitabh Bachchan-starrer Bbuddah Hoga Tera Baap at the box office today and it seems the former has outdone the latter.Delhi Belly, an adult comedy, is aimed at the youth and has had a better opening in theatres across the country, according to trade analysts and multiplex chains."Delhi Belly has opened with a bang. It has seen a better response in cities including Delhi, Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Indore, Ahmedabad and Bangalore. Comparatively Bbuddah Hoga Tera Baap has had a lukewarm response," said Rahul Singh, VP, PVR Cinemas.And the bigger opening is being credited to the movie's already-hit music and Aamir's promotional strategies."Delhi Belly is performing better mainly is due to its music and Aamir's brand value. The youth have liked the film. It is expected to attract more audience in the weekend," trade analyst Taran Adarsh told PTI.Besides Bachchan, Bbuddah... also stars Hema Malini, Prakash Raj and Raveena Tandon, while Delhi Belly has a young cast comprising Imran Khan, Kunaal Roy Kapur, Poorna Jagannathan and Vir Das.An official at multiplex chain Cinemax said, "Delhi Belly has performed better than Bbuddah Hoga Tera Baap, primarily because it is a youth film and of course due to Aamir and the film's music. Hopefully Bbuddah... will pick up in the coming days."While Bbuddah... is about the exploits of a quick-tempered, flamboyantly dressed retired gangster, played by the Big B, Delhi Belly is the story of three young boys living in the capital who go through a horrible few days due to certain turn of events.