After making it big at the Oscars with the life of a Mumbai slum dweller who becomes a millionaire, director Danny Boyle is planning to make yet another film on the tinsel city of India, this time a thriller based on its night life.

While Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire was inspired by Indian diplomat Vikas Swarup's book Q&A, the forthcoming thriller will be based on the novel Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found by Suketu Mehta, an Indian-born journalist and author based in New York.

According to a report in The Times, Boyle has bought the rights of the critically acclaimed novel, which was first published in 2004.

Partly a travelogue and partly an autobiography, the book delves into the interconnected worlds of Mumbai's slum-dwellers, dancing girls, underworld dons and Hindu radicals. The non-fiction work has been likened to everything from Balzac's descriptions of Paris to The Arabian Nights.

Boyle's Slumdog Millionaire won eight Oscars and grossed over 220 million pounds at the box office.