Bobby Brown's lawyer has said that the media should not be paying attention to any talks or updates regarding Bobbi Kristina Brown's condition.


Read: Bobby Brown's lawyer to take legal action against 'false reports' regarding daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown

Ever since the 21-year-old young singer was hospitalised after being found face down in a bathtub, there have been all sorts of reports about her condition, some have claimed there is no progress, others said that she was showing signs of recovery, E! Online reported.

Now, Brown's attorney Christopher Brown has released a statement saying "At this time it is requested that the media cease speaking with unauthorised members of the family." 

"None of them have firsthand knowledge of Bobbi Kristina's treatment and the medical staff at Emory University Hospital has not communicated with them," he added. In addition to this, Brown also requested for privacy in this matter and thanked everyone their support.

Neither Brown nor any members of Whitney Houston's family attended a candlelight vigil that was openly held for Bobbi Kristina Brown at the Riverdale Town Centre Amphitheatre.

Read: Bobbi Kristina Brown involved in car accident days before bathtub incident

Also Read: Police are investigating Bobbi Kristina Brown's boyfriend Nick Gordon in her drowning