With the return of Star Wars to Paul Walker's last movie, 2015 was a witness to many great Hollywood movies. As 2015 comes to an end, we made a list of some of the most loved films from the year:


1) Inside Out

Release Date: June 17, 2015

Pixar never fails to woo us with some of their most heart-warming flicks. Inside Out, Pixar's best work from the animated films category in 2015 is an innovative story about the journey of the five emotions of a girl named 'Riley' as she grows up. What works in the film is an amazing story-line and the ability of the makers to strike a chord with every viewer. A heartwarming film indeed!

Check the trailer here:

2) The Martian

Release Date: October 2,2015

This space adventure managed to woo many of the movie-lovers' hearts. Starring Matt Damon, the film revolved around the story of an astronaut/botanist 'Mark Watney' who was stranded on Mars after a powerful storm forced his team to make an emergency departure. While giving an interview to a leading daily, the director Ridley Scott had credited the success of the film to that of Damon's star power. Be it for Scott's making or Damon's performance, we loved the film, anyway.

Check the trailer here:

3) Minions

Release Date: June 17, 2015

We loved them in Despicable Me and also in the Part 2 of the film. However, a prequel to the franchise was much-awaited by all Minion Fans. With their unconventional mannerisms and a unique 'lingo' the movie managed to entertain viewers across all ages. Minions thus raged at box office scoring a $115.2 million opening weekend - the second highest for an animated film, after 2007's Shrek the Third with $121.6 million.

Check the trailer here:

4) Mad Max: Fury Road

Release Date:May 15,2015

The fourth instalment in the Mad Max franchise was not just a big hit but an instant sensation, breaking nearly every short term box office records in the book. The success of the film was so widely appreciated that now the film is universally celebrated as one of the best films of 2015 and is considered a marvellously inventive and outright no-nonsense action story coming from the safe prism of a known franchise. And of course, who can forget the Greeks' favourite character of Charlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa . Two Thumbs up for this one!

Check the trailer here:

5) Furious 7

Release Date: April 2, 2015

The film Furious 7, actually grossed an estimated $143.6 million over the great holiday weekend. The film managed to beat all the expectations of analysts which originally had believed that the film would make some where between $115 million and $120 million.Not to mention, the hype to see Paul Walker's last film and how the makers managed to complete it after his death was a curiosity-builder in itself.

Check the trailer here:

6) Jurassic World

Release Date: May 29,2015

Call it the formula of a re-make of a successful film or original interpretation of this timeless adventure flick, Jurassic World managed to break all box office records. The audiences immediately took to the return of the T-Rex rampage and Chris Pratt's lead role which managed to make the film a big score at the silver screen. Needless to say, reworks of this beloved series cannot be missed.

Check the trailer here:

7) Bridge of Spies

Release Date: October 4, 2015

Steven Spielberg never fails to make his fan happier! This year too, the director made us go claiming our seats to the big screens with yet another epic espionage thriller. Tom Hanks ruled while playing the role of the American lawyer Thomas B Donovan who defends the Russian spy Rudolf Abel, on whom the story is based. The narrative structure is equally compelling and makes the film to be remembered as one of the loved films of 2015.

Check the trailer here:

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