Bipasha Basu, actor 

Firstly, you have to know what you want to do in life. I started very young so I was a little vague. But I knew one thing, modelling is very big in Mumbai and Delhi and that’s where I should be.

Secondly, if you are not from the city, be prepared to go through the struggle of getting to know the right people. It would take a lot of wisdom to find people who support you, but once you have, hang on to them, even after you have tasted success.

Be responsible for yourself. It’s tough not to get carried away when you are on your own and are in the process of making it big. Stay the way you have been brought up and do not let anyone mess with that.

Stay grounded. With heady fame and success and the kind of lifestyle Mumbai can provide, it doesn’t take long for your head to start spinning.

You might be forced to think drinking and smoking is fashionable, but keep your focus on your goals. I started saying no before saying yes, even at the cost of upsetting people. Today, nothing in life embarrasses me and I have nothing to hide. 

I also think one can’t get complacent at any stage in life. If you think stardom will chase you forever, you are living in a fool’s

Work hard. You are not doing anybody a favour. Money and fame can delude you into thinking you are irreplaceable. No one is.