Inside story...

The buzz is that Shiny Ahuja has been blessed with a baby? The actor, who has always been very  fiercely protective about his private life, is said to be keeping the news under wraps for now. 

But apparently Ahuja is being hounded by calls ever since a unit member of a film he is working in ‘leaked’ the news that his wife Anu had delivered a baby. But Shiny has been avoiding all calls and inquiries about whether the conjecture are true or not.

The truth is that Shiny's wife Anu has indeed delivered a healthy baby girl a week back. According to a friend, "Shiny wants to keep his personal life personal, because one, Anu is not very comfortable being in the public eye and two, a lot has been written about their marriage being on the rocks. Shiny doesn't want any more speculation of any kind about his private life any longer. Yes, Anu delivered a baby girl a week back and both Shiny and Anu are over the moon."

After Hours finally managed to get Shiny to speak about his new found bliss. "Yes, it is true. I am truly happy. I had always wanted a daughter and God has blessed me with one. She looks a lot like me," beams the proud father.


Much has been written about Arun Nayar and his celebrity wife Liz Hurley, but now Samantha Nayar, wife of Arun’s brother Niki, has gone ahead and made an addition to the family without half as much fuss. Samantha, an advertising and marketing professional, has become a mom for the second time. 

“I just delivered a bonny baby boy three weeks back; in fact, the pregnancy is what kept me out of action all this while.” What’s even more interesting is that they have already zeroed in on the name. “We have named him Mac; it’s my brother-in-law’s nickname as well,” explains Samantha, who has just returned from a holiday in Singapore.