Two years ago, with the success of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast coming onto the Indian stage, we were wondering how long it would be before Disney launched another Broadway-themed show in India. Well, now we have Aladdin hitting NCPA, and the actors and choreographers spoke to DNA on what they felt about their roles and the experience they


How many times did you watch Aladdin before you ever considered being part of the show?

Taaruk Raina who plays Aladdin: The animated version of Disney’s Aladdin in one of my absolute favourite films and I think I must have easily watched it over a 100 times. That being said, I haven’t ever seen the original Broadway production but I am very excited to be a part of it now.

Siddharth Menon who also plays Aladdin: I have watched the film – Aladdin so many times that I can’t even remember! It’s a story that has stayed with me all through my growing up days till date. Naturally, when the opportunity to play the character of Aladdin came to me in this grand production, I was so thrilled. It was absolutely a dream come true.

Kira Narayanan who plays Princess Jasmine: Like so many of us, I grew up watching Aladdin. I have seen it so many times that I cried when my old VCR tape of the film stopped working. Thankfully the Disney Channel came to my rescue soon enough! Imagine my excitement when I found out that I am going to be playing the character of Jasmine!

Mantra who plays the Genie: Who hasn't seen Aladdin? It’s a classic and being a Disney fan, I have grown up watching these classics. There isn't a count to how many times I have watched the film, but surely it has been etched in my memories forever. 

Roshan Abbas who plays Jafar: I have seen the film many times and my wife and kids have watched the original Broadway show in New York. While they got to see it, now I get to be in it!  Being part of Disney’s Aladdin is definitely a dream come true; I’ve always wanted to be a part of these magical Broadway-style musicals.

How did you react when you found out you were playing the character?

Taaruk Raina: It was almost too good to be true. When I came to know that I’m going to be playing my favourite Disney character (Aladdin), I just couldn’t contain my excitement. It was a surreal feeling.

Siddharth Menon: Oh, it was just unbelievable! It’s very rare that you get to play a character that has been so close to your heart. I almost didn’t believe it until the rehearsals started. From there on, it’s been such a wonderful journey and we all are excited to re-imagine Disney’s Aladdin forthe Indian stage.

Kira Narayanan: I was speechless. It was only when I put on the costume that it really sank in and the excitement and elation hit. 

Mantra: It is unbelievable, to be a part of such a classicthat I have grown up watching. Genie is such an iconic Disney character. When the team called me to tell me that I was confirmed to play Genie, I couldn’t contain my excitement; I think I didn’t sleep all night.

Roshan Abbas: My initial reaction was that I would finally get to be part of Disney’s Broadway-style musicals, which was a long-cherished dream! I also felt that I will finally be able to do something that my daughter, who is a huge Disney fan, would appreciate. I've always played Mr. Goody-two-shoes roles even as an anchor and this will be my first foray as an evil villain. I’ve got back to acting after 20 years so the entire process of being in a musical – right from auditions to rehearsals is as exciting for me as it would be for a newcomer.

Did you know the dialogues from the Disney feature before being cast?

Taaruk Raina: I knew a few of the songs, and of course the famous line that Aladdin says to Jasmine minutes after they first meet- “Do you trust me?”

Siddharth Menon: Yes I did, infact, I still have the VHS of the animated film and there was a phase in my life when my mother and I used to watch it at least once every day.

Kira Narayanan: Of course! But what really stuck with me was the music. The show has some of the most iconic songs imaginable, and I've been singing them for years in the shower. I also relate to Jasmine in various ways, making it easier to play my character on stage.

Mantra: More than the dialogues, it’s the songs of this classic which have been on the tip of my tongue. All songs Disney’s Aladdin have a nostalgic value attached to them and thus are crowd favourites.

Roshan Abbas: I actually knew the songs pretty well, given that I have watched the film several times.

What was training and rehearsing songs and dance like?

Taaruk Raina: The training process for the character is an ongoing learning journey and has been such an amazing experience. The number of things I had to learn how to do simultaneously was astounding, with acting, live singing, dancing and stunts that bring you to the edge of your seats - it will always be the best experience of my life.

We have the pleasure of working with the best in the business, whether it’s Shruti Sharma, the Show Director or our choreographers Bertwin & Shampa, Suzane D’Mello,our vocal coach and Nupur Shikhare, our action choreographer. All of us in the cast had to put in everything we’ve got to reach the level we wanted to and the end result is going to be nothing short of spectacular.

Siddharth Menon: It is extremely fun and challenging at the same time because of the scale and grandeur of the show. We have been rehearsing with the best in the industry through intensive dance, vocal, music, aerial, acrobats training sessions with Suzane, Bertwin & Shampa and many others. The training has been enriching and a completely new learning experience for me.

Kira Narayanan: One word, intense. Musicals are special because it involves singing, dancing and acting - all at the same time, and all completely live. To do that in an impressive way takes a lot of rehearsals and hard work, but every minute has been a dream. Disney’s Aladdin also has some veterans as part of the cast like Deven Khote and Roshan Abbas who also help us time and again.

Mantra: Oh, I feel like I am back to school because we are living a disciplined lifestyle. We have been putting many hours behind these rehearsals since a few months now and it has truly made us learn how to don many hats together. To sing is one thing, to dance is another but to be singing and dancing together is the tall task that we’re excited to do to mesmerize the Indian audience!

Roshan Abbas: Musicals are magnificent productions and a result of months of hard work and efforts put in by so many people. There is a lot of training involved in producing a live musical of this scale and grandeur – from vocal training, dancing, acting, plus maintaining the stamina and energy levels throughout. We are currently working with the props to familiarise with the surroundings and our positions on the stage. It’s amazing to see the entire team working day and night to achieve perfection and the endless support we are getting from the BookMyShow team. The final product will blow your mind!

What was the most memorable memory while making this adaptation of Aladdin?

Taaruk Raina: There are so many, I don’t know where to start. Each day has been full of excitement and we’ve been discovering so many new things. I think the most fun I’ve had is while learning the choreography of the song “One Jump Ahead”, it was the most challenging thing I’ve seen and I had to get over a lot of fears, mainly a fear of heights, and the fact that I can do it now makes me very happy.

Siddharth Menon: There are just so many amazing moments in this musical, it is really hard to choose. The bromance between Genie and Aladdin is truly iconic, the romance between Jasmine and Aladdin is just so magical and real. At the same time, singing and dancing on a scale as big as this Broadway-style musical while wearing the Aladdin costume. But if I had to choose one, it would be the moment before we did the first run through of the musical – I was in the wing and it only sunk in then that I am playing the character of Aladdin. I had goose bumps.

Kira Narayanan: It definitely has to be the first script reading when the whole cast came together. It was truly incredible watching all the characters come to life for the first time. I was as much an awe-struck audience member in that room as I was a cast member. 

Mantra: It’s the bonding amongst the cast and crew that is what makes this production a fun to be a part of, and with a super cool director like Shruti Sharma the experience becomes more exciting. 

Roshan Abbas:I think just working with the set of brilliant people and seeing everyone put their best foot forward is such a joy! Theatre is an art form that requires discipline and dedication, and to see everyone put in their time to create magic is wonderful. One of my most favourite memories from the rehearsals is trying on my costume for the first time. Gaviin's magic has made this musical larger-than-life and we can’t wait for it to come to life on the Indian stage this April. For somebody who is dressed in suits at corporate meetings and social events, trying on Royal Robes and the accessories that go with it transported me to a land far, far away. I can finally live out all my fantasies of being born in a magical era.

We also spoke to the choreographers Shampa Gopikrishna and Bertwin D’Souza on their experience directing the show

How were you chosen as choreographers?

As a team, we have been known for our creativity,novelty and integrity. We have a vast body of work ranging across all mediums like stage, film, TV and digital. We believe it was our talent,variety in dances and eagerness that caught the eye of Disney India and BookMyShow.

What was the toughest song to choreograph?

Definitely not the toughest, but our favourite number is ‘Friend like Me’. This song challenged and excited us the most as it introduces the Genie, who is a powerful, fun and vibrant character. We wanted to bring these characteristics out through the choreography as well. With some magic tricks that will blow the audiences’ minds, the song is a rollercoaster ride. It has highs and lows with unexpected turns. We have played with many dance styles in this number.

Who were the best dancers on set?

The team that has been brought together is absolutely fantastic. All the actors bring their best skills to the rehearsals and we can’t wait for you to see the final product. Most of them have a natural flair and a great rhythm sense. Since, they have a background in acting and theatre, they are very aware of the stage – which is an important skill for any artist to possess and makes our jobs so much more fun!

What was your favourite memory while making this adaptation?

Disney’s Aladdin is a story we all have grown up with. When we got the call to choreograph, Bertwin's first memory flashes were of the Genie and how it would be exciting to work with him and his magic. Shampa, like any other little girl idolizes Jasmine and was really enthusiastic to work with this production. We feel lucky to see our dreams come to life! It feels like we are living a fairy-tale.

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