All India Bakchod (AIB) has struck again, and this time with some introspection on the dating technique of the millennial.


Flirty Messaging League or FML, or 'famal', as the Tanmay Bhat calls it, while presenting the show alongside Mallika Dua, is going to look at the real-time progress in flirting between Vishal and Jiah.

The segment starts off with Dua and Bhat introducing each other as the hosts, Monica Singh and Manoj Dance. The two contestants of the day's show were Vishal, who happens to meet all the stereotypes of an engineer and Jiah, who has a weakness for 'douchebags' as her description claims.

As the segment progresses, Tanmay takes on reporting the turn of events from Vishal's house and Monica, from Jiah's. Speaking of product placement, AIB made a smart move by promoting Google Allo, the recently released mobile messaging app in the segment.

From Vishal beginning a conversation with Jia to asking her out, AIB's FML has put forward the dating of the current generation with the hilarity of their trademark satire, which is one that should not be missed.