Sonam Kapoor is all set for the release of her next film, based on the life of the braveheart flight attendant Neerja Bhanot, who lost her life while saving the passengers on a hijacked flight. This is her first biopic. Here, the actress talks about her character, being brave and more...  


Was it tough to decide to play a real-life character?It wasn’t tough not at all. Doing Neerja was a very easy decision.  When the script came to me the first thought in me was that people need to know this story. She’s become immortal. Nobody should not know who Neerja was and I wanted to make sure that happens.   What were the challenges of playing a real life character?Firstly, there is a preconceived notion of who and what Neerja is and to then, live up to those expectations. There’s a responsibility to her family, friends, the people who knew her, the country, people whom she saved… A responsibility I had to fulfill. All I know is that I have done my very best and worked extremely hard and I really hope that I haven’t let anybody down.    On a scale of 1-10, how brave are you?I think I am very brave but I can’t give myself points. Even though I am petrified, I am always acting and that’s very brave. I am always doing things that I am scared to do and that is a test of true bravery — when you do things in spite of being fearful of the consequences.   What is the bravest thing you have ever done?I hate talking about such things but there was this one incident when I was 15-16 years old and my friend Kunal (Rawal) and I were driving back from a bowling alley. He had just got his driving license and he was driving the car when the car suddenly stalled. I felt something very bad was going to happen and I told him that we needed to get out of the car right then. He was reluctant and I screamed, ‘Kunal we need to get out of the car NOW!’ Then the car from his side started burning. His door wasn’t opening, so I came out and pulled him out of the car! I don’t know where I got this strength from and then the car just burst into flames, like in a Rohit Shetty film. I keep telling Kunal that I saved his life, so he better be nice to me (laughs) That must have been scary! Kunal was complaining that his girlfriend had made him a mixtape and he couldn’t leave that behind in the car… or his bowling balls (which we found out later had melted)! I was like ‘Screw that! Your life is in danger and you are thinking such things?’ We were very young and boy! did I get a firing from Arjun (Kapoor), who told me who told you to get into the car with him? He was pissed off with me! I was like I am alive and you are upset? I called my mother and I was crying and shaking. Mom said, ‘Come home.’ She  was as cool and calm as always (laughs).  

Has your bravery quotient upped after doing this film?I don’t know about my bravery quotient, but I imbibed certain principles which she stood for and which I think everybody should too — being principled, standing up for what she believed in, standing up for what was right, doing your duty in the face of everything, doing your duty towards your country, people, if you see someone getting hurt on the road help them, don’t run away from it. You are like that too…I think it’s unfair to compare Neerja to me because I have put her up on this pedestal and I don’t want to be that. I don’t want to get into that space. Are there any similarities between you and Neerja?I think both Neerja and I are very family-minded. I am very close to my mother and so was she. It’s just that I am the oldest child and she was just like all of us  — Mumbai, St Xaviers, Bombay Scottish… She could have been any of us. You celebrated Lohri with Neerja’s family. Have you become emotionally connected to her family?I think it’s easy to get emotionally connected to her family because they are very nice people. Also, they have given me a lot of love and acceptance and if somebody gives me a little bit, I am forever theirs. I am a very loyal person who is very easily won over by love. If somebody loves me, I can do anything for them. Neerja’s mom passed away before the film could release. That must have been disheartening.That’s why I was so emotional during the trailer launch. I didn’t know that Ram (Madhvani) was going to play her blessings where she says, “Jeete raho, sukhi raho, khush raho, mast raho.” When we played her blessings I became very emotional and I was like I wish she was here… But then I met her granddaughter during Lohri and she said, ‘You know it’s okay that dadi maa is not here because she would have to go through the whole thing again while watching the film’. I just felt that she got courage through her grief. I had met her. She was this zinda dil person who lived life and was a very strong woman.

Did playing this role take a toll?Yes, I went through a gamut of emotions. It was physically, mentally and emotionally very tough. I have got beaten up, bruised, cried a lot in the film itself but it was all worth it because eventually it was a cathartic release for me. You are doing it for a person, you know where it’s going to lead to and you are telling the story as honestly and truthfully as possible. Your dad says you are very idealistic and sensitive. Is it difficult to be that kind of person?It is very tough because everyone wants to pull you in different directions or just pull you down. But you have to keep plowing ahead sticking to what you believe in. It does definitely get to me sometimes but you need to fight your way out of it. There have been so many times that I have called Shanti Shivram, my agent and also one of my closest friends, and told her that I wanted to quit. I don’t know if I am built for this… I feel so exhausted mentally… I don’t know if I can do this and she knows that in 20 minutes I am going to call her back and tell her how much I love acting (laughs) and I love what I am doing, even if I am influencing five people I am fine! I have amazing people around me, people who never let me forget who I am and what I stand for. Like who?There’s my mom and dad, my sister Rhea, Shanti, Atul (Kasbekar) and then there my friends, my directors like Aanand L Rai. He’s the one person who keeps telling me, ‘Do not change! We love you the way you are.’ I am more a heart than head person. Ram has become like my shrink. Every couple of days since the time I have known him I call him up, Aanand sir is my cheer leader, Alisha, my manager, is amazing. They are my unconditional support group. I cannot function without Alisha. My life would collapse without her. If you have such a good group of people who give you such unconditional support and love you, you will be fine.   

In one wordWhat comes to your mind when I say... Khan... SalmanRanveer Singh... EnergyRanbir Kapoor... TalentFood... LifeHoliday... NeededSexy... I feel sexy right now (laughs)Insane... SonamSong... Gehra ishqDance... LiberationWicked... All my film industry friends are amazing! They have given me so much supportSuccess... How do you define it?Mentor... My fatherGuitar...  Shekhar RavjianiParis... My fav place on Earth right nowFashion... My passion