In the new Blu-rayDVD release Jackass 3 Unrated, Johnny Knoxville and his crew of masochists destroy everything in their path with another series of pranks and gross-out stunts that make people laugh while lowering the bar on good taste.But whether or not one likes the Jackass movies, there is no arguing with their success. Jackass: The Movie was released in 2002 at a reported cost of $5 million, and it took in nearly $80 million at worldwide box offices.Jackass: Number Two bested that sales figure by $4 million and Jackass 3-D, which debuted in theatres in October last year, more than doubled it to $170 million. Knoxville spoke with Reuters and revealed the secret behind a successful Jackass stunt, as well as why too much vomit can, sometimes, be too much to watch even for his crew.Q: There are three different versions. Isn't that enough?A: (Laughs) "Maybe. It sounds like a lot, but you don't have to buy 'em all. Just pick the one you like, have a party, and check your brain at the door."Q: So is this the Jackass equivalent of a Martin Scorsese 'Director's Cut'?A: "That's a fair comparison. We're throwing everything but the kitchen sink at you."Q: How did you decide what material would be in the movie and what would work best in the unrated DVD version?A: "Sometimes we'll have two bits in a similar vein -- maybe a prank where someone gets really frightened, and it's really funny, but we can't put it in the movie as we already have one. They can both be equally hilarious, but it's just a gut decision. It's a team effort, but [director] Jeff Tremaine and I make the ultimate call."Q: What can fans expect in the unrated version?A: "It's got deleted scenes, outtakes and a longer version of the 'making of' we did for MTV. We shot so much for the movie that we had tons of material to choose from."Q: Were there any stunts or antics that were simply too gross to include even in the unrated version?A: "People don't believe it but we do cut out a lot of the really gross stuff -- not because it's gross but because you can only have so much puking and poop. It's not like we go, 'OK, all the puke and poop goes on the DVD.' It's just too much after a while -- even for us."Q: What happens when a stunt goes flawlessly and no one gets hurt?A: "We do 'em again, as obviously we screwed up. Success is a very low priority with us."Q: You turn 40 years-old this month, and you're married with kids. When will you be too old for more Jackass stuff?A: "There probably will come a time, but I have no desire to stop. And I can do it at any age, as all I do is stand in one spot or hold onto something. That's as far as my capabilities go."Q: Jackass 3-D was a huge hit. You must be laughing your way to the bank. What do you spend your money on?A: "A wife, two kids and an ex-wife absorbs quite a bit of money. And I have a '70 Cadillac Eldorado that I've put so much money into, and it's still not running after two new engines."Q: Jackass appeals to a broad audience and does well globally. Does that surprise you?A: "Sure. This one did over fives times the business overseas that the first two did, so it's getting bigger everywhere, and no one anticipated that. We're all thrilled."Q: "Are you a thrill-junkie off the set, too, or do you sit around in PJs and make sure you don't get into any trouble?A: Actually most of my spare time's spent looking up funny stories or pictures or videos on the Internet. I love finding stuff that makes you laugh your underpants off.Q: In the era of YouTube do you now feel increasing pressure and competition?A: "Not now. After the first movie I really felt, 'How do we top that?' And that made me feel like not doing a second. But Tremaine said, You don't have to top it -- you just have to be funny. That took away all the pressure."Q: What's next? Will Jackass 4 be in 4D?A:  (Laughs) 4D -- isn't that space? I tried to get the Russians to put the Jackass flag on the moon, but we got shut down. No, we have no plans yet for Jackass 4, but never say never. We never thought we'd do number three.