Within the relatively short span of a decade, Farhan Akhtar has emerged as one of the strongest voices of social protest from within the film industry. His organization M.A.R.D. (Men Against Rape & Discrimination) works relentlessly towards highlighting gender inequality. He tells us why he feels every endeavour to raise social awareness about gender discrimination deserves a voice...Your organization MARD creates awareness about gender inequality. But do you think it actually prevents crime against women?Every possible initiative is important, not just by me, but by everybody, by government institutions and NGOs. We must try to alter mindsets and change unjust legislations and rehabilitate victims of sexual violence. Our efforts would yield some result. It cannot be possible that we do not make any impact. It infuriates you to hear the kind of gruesome crimes that are perpetrated against women and children. At the same time, it also provides you with an impetus to continue working in whatever way you can. It's time for everyone to get involved with the effort to change violent mindsets through music that I am creating, the films that I do, social media, etc. We are trying to inspire more and more people to work towards a better society. It's not enough to for you to say, 'I agree with you'. You have to be more participative.What are you hoping to achieve?The ideal situation where we don't have to pick up the newspaper or turn on the news and read about crimes against women and children.Do you think more celebrities need to take an initiative to educate the public on gender equality?I can't speak up for what others should do or shouldn't do. It's not my place to comment on what they should do. But speaking for myself, whenever I've asked any of my colleagues to come forward to give out a message or to support any event, they've gladly done it. Be it Shah Rukh Khan and Preity Zinta who were involved with me on the IPL front, or Mahesh Babu in the South… Sachin Tendulkar, Yuvraj Singh… Salim-Suleiman came forward to do a song for me. Every one I've asked to come forward, has done so happily. Not because they are my friends, but because they share my concerns.