It's been one year since Pentagram, one of India's indie rock scene's cornerstones, came back from its three-year hiatus. Now back for the coming NH7 Weekender, where they broke their hiatus, with plans to write new music, frontman Vishal Dadlani speaks about performing live, what made them get back together and their journey so far...


It could be said that you are one of the pioneers of the indie scene, especially when it comes to performing original songs. What has changed since you started and what has stayed the same?

Everything's new. Better, more informed audiences come to shows to watch an artist or band play their own music. There are delivery mechanisms for music that democratise the process, and widen the reach. The only thing limiting Indian artists now is their own imagination. On the downside, the lack of venues and the absurd licensing and tax structures in many states make the whole scene unviable.

Why the hiatus since 2014 and how did you come to end it last year?

We were playing a lot, and we didn't like each other that week. So we took a break from it, and then got bored of not playing together. It's not a very glamorous or thrilling story, sadly.

So many bands that take a hiatus never end up getting back together again. What, do you think, makes you different?

I don't know if we're different, just yet. We'll know when we get the next album written and start playing it. Soon, I hope.

In an interview earlier this year, you said that Pentagram is writing new songs. Can we expect an ep soon?

I have no idea what you can expect, or when. All I know is, Randolph and I are getting in a room to write, this week. If we keep doing that, week on week, we could have an EP ready in a month or two. If we don't, it could take years.

Would you say that the music that you have been making since you got back together is different from your earlier work? If so, how?

Haven't quite wrapped our heads around that yet. It'll show up. Life must be lived before it becomes music.

What are your thoughts on the "indie" tag? Do you believe that entering Bollywood, as more and more indie artistes are doing, can take away from their individual voices?

We've been called a lot of things. No category ever stuck. I guess the only real definition of an indie artist is one who does whatever he or she wants to, in any space, without concern as to other people's opinions. That's the only way to really be independent. It doesn't matter what your day-job is, whether its Bollywood or a bakery.

What stage is the Rhythm House project in right now? There was a lot of talk of reviving this iconic Mumbai music shop as a live gig venue. How close to your heart is the cause?

It’s just a discussion on Twitter. As of now, there has been no move to auction the premise. If there is, and there's enough support, I do hope the interest-group that's been discussing it turns it into a live venue. But, who knows? Apple could buy it and sell pretty laptops and phones there, too. Which would kinda suck; unless they buy it and make it a live venue. Which would be fantastic!

Your history with NH7 has been a colourful one, from cancelling the 2014 gig to coming back last year. How does it feel to be back yet again?

We love NH7, and we love Kolkata and Shillong which are the two venues were playing with the festival this year. Cannot f*****g wait!