What’s in your make-up bag?A coloured lip balm, a light blush puff, MAC eyeliner and a lip liner.


Describe your skincare routineI follow a regular routine of cleansing, toning and moisturising to keep my skin healthy and glowing.

What’s your go-to beauty look for a red carpet event?My favourite red carpet look and also an easy way to go glam is to simply tie up my hair. I love to finish the look with a pretty hair accessory.

What do you think is sexy, beauty-wise?My style is very simple and comfortable, which makes me look beautiful and sexy.

Who were your idols growing up?Madhuri Dixit — I love her, she has her own style and she has maintained that. She is a diva!

Any tips you’ve taken from beauty artists and use daily?Yes. I drink lots of water and ensure I get a good amount of sleep.

What product do you turn to for a beauty boost?MAC and Dior are my favourite brands for make-up.

Do you have a signature fragrance? Victoria’s Secret is my signature fragrance.

Do you gravitate toward a lip colour and if so, which shade? I prefer matte lips and wear a red lip colour which suits me well.

What’s your favourite beauty moment?My look in the film Fashion was much appreciated and it was portrayed very well

Do you think it’s important to stick with a signature look?Sometimes yes, but not always.

Have you ever had any beauty disasters?When I was a teenager, I tried to extract pimples from my nose and bruised myself in the bargain.

What’s your ultimate beauty tip?Never sleep with make-up. No matter how busy you are, no matter how tired never sleep with your make-up on.

What’s the best beauty advice you’ve ever received?Stay happy, workout and eat right!