Most people with an average IQ get annoyed when people tell them what to do, Me, I just fly into a rage. Not because my intelligence quotient is above average (I am afraid it's in single digits, so I've never had it tested). My irritation, I think, may have something to do with being an (old) chick. My kind supposedly doesn't like being told what to do and will often do the opposite of what they are asked to do. I am going with that theory, so should you, because I don't have another explanation.


So here's the thing. I spend a lot of time online. It's true of most people in the world of news -- print, TV, or digital. If you have to tell the reader/viewer what is happening in the world, you have to know it first. You have to know as it is happening, to report it. But being online 24/7 means coming across a lot of BS. I love reading and will read anything from fact to fiction from noir to nonsense. But when I read articles that tell me what I 'have to do', 'need to do', 'must do' and 'cannot do without', my inner demon (b**ch is too mild) awakens. 

So when I am surfing on my phone or laptop and chance upon a post/status on social media, saying: 'You need to see this'. I just show the laptop screen my ring finger (because I am a lady) and shout, "Forget what I need, you need your brain checked if you think I am going to fall for your click-bait."  I'll admit, this happens a lot. I talk to headlines when they behave like they know me...

'The best thing you will see today'

Me: Oh, Shaddup

'This will melt your heart'  

Me: It's melting my brain, though!

'This will make your day'  

Me: Bleh.

'You'll thank us for this' 

Me: No, I will slap you for this.

'You won't believe what so-and-so said...'

Me: Unfollowed. 

You might think I am cuckoo for talking to myself or at my phone/laptop, but science says people who talk to themselves are geniuses, and I am not about to argue with science because my science teacher from school might surface to rap me on the head. Though that might not be a bad idea, because I do believe she is the cure for my insomnia.